Weather Alert: February 6, 2025 Buses in Middlesex, Oxford and Elgin counties and the Red Zone are cancelled for the day. City of London buses will start on schedule. All LDCSB schools are open. ALERT
WEATHER ALERT: February 3, 2025 ONLY West Elgin buses are cancelled this morning due to fog. All buses will run this afternoon. All LDCSB schools are open.
Weather Alert: January 28, 2025 January 28, 2025: Buses canceled in Elgin, Middlesex, Oxford counties and the Red Zone. City of London buses will start on schedule.All LDCSB schools are open.
Coming Soon: Two New High Schools and an Elementary School LDCSB Receives Approval to Build Two New High Schools and an Elementary School
PowerSchool Cyber Incident View the latest updates on the cyber incident involving PowerSchool’s Student Information System – the application used by the LDCSB and many school boards across North America to store certain student and staff information.
LDCSB Caps Some Schools as Rapid Enrolment Increases Continue Once these schools reach their cap, new students will be directed to register at other nearby Catholic schools that still have space to welcome new students. Transportation will be provided assuming students meet bussing eligibility requirements.
Let’s Talk LDCSB Podcast Launches The LDCSB has launched a new podcast featuring timely news and helpful information about the LDCSB for current and future LDCSB families, students, staff and anyone in the LDCSB community.
LDCSB Projects $883,000 Deficit Due to Growth-Related Costs The LDCSB’s revised budget estimates for 2024-25 show a projected overall deficit of just under $883,000 out of a roughly $380 million budget. This is down from a $1.9 million projected deficit in June.
Clarifying the Use of Resources in LDCSB Schools The London District Catholic School Board wishes to address recent discussions regarding our policies on book selection within our schools. Notwithstanding certain positions taken in the media, it is important to confirm that our school board does not and has never banned books or other educational resources.
Christmas Message In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ - Acts 20:35