French & French Immersion
In the Core French classes in our English schools, teachers help students improve their speaking skills and develop a broad basic understanding of the French language.
Our French Immersion Program develops and refines students' ability to communicate in French and expand their knowledge of the language through more consistent opportunities to listen to, speak, read, and write French. French Immersion programs support non-French speaking families, as well as French first language families. All communication between school and home is in English.
French Immersion is offered from SK to grade 12 in LDCSB. Students attend their community school for their first year of kindergarten, and then register at their assigned French Immersion school for SK.
In LDCSB, elementary French Immersion students learn all subjects except English and Religion/Family Life in French. Students receive English language instruction from an itinerant teacher, like the core French program in English schools.
New in September 2024, French Immersion will be offered at three of our high schools:In London, the French Immersion program is located at Mother Teresa Catholic Secondary School.In Oxford County, French Immersion students attend St. Mary’s High School.In Elgin County, French Immersion students attend St. Joseph’s High School.
Students in the French Immersion program take the following credits: French (grade 9, 10, 11, 12), Religion (grade 9, 10, 11, 12), Geography (grade 9), History (grade 10), Civics and Careers (grade 10).
At St. Joseph’s High (St. Thomas) and St. Mary’s High (Woodstock), Extended French program was offered to grade 9-12 students until 2023-2024. Moving forward, the grade 9 class of 2023 will complete their Extended French program as the conversion to French Immersion is completed. Students in this program must take the following 7 credits within the EF program: French (grade 9, 10, 11, 12), Geography (grade 9), History (grade 10), Religion (grade 11).Students in all French programs are strongly encouraged to earn their Diplôme d’études en langue français. The DELF is a lifelong diploma from the government of France that certifies a student’s French proficiency at their chosen level. Students registered in a grade 12 FSL course can participate in the DELF exam to earn their diploma.
Learning in French (French Immersion)
Elementary French Immersion Programs Begin In Senior Kindergarten
Until Grade 8
London and Middlesex Schools: St. Anthony Catholic French Immersion and St. John Catholic French Immersion
Woodstock and Oxford County School: Holy Family Catholic French Immersion
St Thomas and Elgin County School: Monsignor Morrison Catholic Elementary School
As French Immersion is an optional program being offered, there is a pre-determined established cap at registration in SK/1. Registration outside of SK/1 can only be considered if there is room under the established cap and if students are currently enrolled in another French Immersion or French First Language school.
At our elementary Catholic French Immersion schools, all subjects except Religion and English are taught in French. This means that about 75% of the day is spent learning in French for our students. In the London District Catholic School Board, our French Immersion program begins in Senior Kindergarten.
Secondary French Immersion Programs
London: Mother Teresa Catholic Secondary School offers French Immersion for Grades 9-12. This is a system program open to students residing anywhere within the LDCSB (Elgin, Oxford and Middlesex counties).
To register in French Immersion at the secondary school level, students are required to have a minimum of 3800 hours of French language instruction prior to registration.
The French Immersion program offers a variety of French Immersion courses to students at the academic level. Students are required to take Français, Géographie, Histoire, Religion among others, where a minimum of 10 credits are required to receive their French Immersion certificate for secondary school. Math and science courses are offered in English.
Woodstock and Oxford County: St. Mary's High School currently offers French Immersion in Grades 9-12. Beginning in September 2020, Extended French will be offered to incoming Grade 9s, while those currently in French Immersion will complete that program.
Secondary Extended French Programs
Woodstock and Oxford County: St. Mary's High School
St. Thomas and Elgin County: St Joseph’s High School
To register in an Extended French program at the secondary school level, students are required to have a minimum of 1260 hours of French language instruction prior to registration. As students will be entering the Extended French program from either a French Immersion or a French First Language program, they will have exceeded the minimum requirement of hours of French language instruction.
The Extended French program offers a variety of courses to students at the academic level. Students are required to take Français, Géographie, Histoire, and Religion where a minimum of 7 credits are required to receive their Extended French certificate for secondary school. Math and science courses are offered in English.
Learning French (Core French)
At the high school level, our secondary students must complete at least one French course, but are encouraged to complete a course in French each year from grade 9 to 12 to qualify to earn their Diplôme d’études en langue français. The DELF is a lifelong diploma from the government of France that certifies a student’s French proficiency at their chosen level. Students registered in a grade 12 FSL course can participate in the DELF exam to earn their diploma.
French Opportunities for Students Outside of School
Why Learn Languages? Languages Build... Campaign
- Brains
- Academic Performance
- Personality
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- Cultural Competencies
- Economies
- Plurilingualism